Synopsis: Sarah Anderson's newest webcomic Fangs is a romantic comedy of cuteness about a 300-year old Vampire named, well, Vamp dating the 20-something werewolf Jimmy.
My Thoughts: While the author's previous comic, Sarah's
Scribbles, was never a favorite of mine, I still do read it regularly
and enjoy many of its jokes appertaining to social awkwardness and life
in general which sometimes can be relatable. That being said, I am happy
to see Anderson try deviating from her semi-autobiographical,
slice-of-life material to a fantasy romance series with more realistic
and manga-influenced character designs in contrast to the simplistic,
cartoony style present in Sarah Scribbles. I'll also give this series
kudos for depicting the characters' healthy handling of their foibles
and differences which is pretty cute and wholesome. For example, in one
strip, we see Jimmy help Vamp zip the back of her shirt since she can't
see herself in the mirror. Additionally, the comic does a good job of
playing off certain stereotypes associated with both species. Some of my
favorite instances of this include one comic where Vamp lighted up an
incense candle by sticking her finger by an aperture and another one
where Jimmy's finger burn after touching his girlfriend's hand because
she had a silver ring on her one of her fingers.
However, for me, the rest of Fangs falls short on the conflict department. I understand it's supposed to be a light-hearted story, but that does not mean it cannot contain a skosh of serious conflict here and there. By that, I do not imply it should be profoundly dark or existential but it could benefit from putting the two leads into various predicaments based on their differences and quirks. For instance, one storyline could center around Vamp wanting to attend, say, a comic con with her boyfriend but being unable to since it takes place during sunlight which would propel her to find a way to wear protective clothing that resembles a cosplay. Or even a plot about Jimmy finding an excuse not to make it to party taking place during the full moon without revealing to his friends he's a werewolf. These types of stories would not only make Fangs more engaging but also lead to a slew of more creative twists and jokes.
Final Thoughts: Overall, though Fangs is a cute and amusing webcomic, I feel like it can be improved with more situational conflict incorporated within different storylines. If you're already a fan of Anderson's previous work and want something simple and cute to look at, you'll likely enjoy this.
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