Synopsis: Rick and Morty Presents, Vol. 1 contains four stories centering on one-off characters from Rick and Morty.
My Thoughts: This is were petty critical input comes for each issue
The Vindicators: 5/5 - A revived team of Vindicators emerge in this delightfully witty tale. Rick's sardonic and slightly subtle commentary on how superhero comics' inclination towards killing off beloved characters only to revive or retcon them in the vein of boosting sales (most infamously during The Death of Superman). It felt like an improvement over The Vindicators episode which lacked the context and parodic humor here.
Krombopulos Michael: 4/5 - It was a fun, goofy, and off the wall tall tale about the eponymous character's morbid passion for his job as an assassin/hitman. His constant emphasis on how he 'loves killing' got a little redundant after a while though.
Sleepy Gary: 4/5 - Our titular parasite from Total Rickall returns to alter Jerry Smith's memories again in this story exploring more of Jerry's insecurities contributing to his vulnerabilities, making it more difficult for Rick to hunt down Sleepy Gary.
Pickle Rick: 3/5 - In the final issue of this regaling quartet, our lovable antihero's alter ego makes a comeback to once again avoid therapy sessions and confront Snuffles who is plotting another uprising. While the story started out as a blatant rehash of the Pickle Rick episode, it eventually picked up stream by the time we reach the plot about Snuffles. The only other criticism I have is the random ad non-sequiturs in between the issue without any sort of given context.
Final Thoughts: Overall, Rick and Morty Presents, Vol 1 was a solid collection of one-off comics worth picking up for any fan of the cartoon desperately waiting for the next season.
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