Rating: 4.5/5
Synopsis: Set in a futuristic Paris, this sci-fi romance focuses on Elle, a young woman whose life seems to be stuck in murky waters, and Karel, a sentient bot (or as they’re called in the future mechas) whose energy source runs on the love of others while dealing with the casual discrimination against his kind.
My Thoughts: Story (5/5) – I tend to be a huge sucker for stories about humanoid robots and their relationship/conflict with their human counterparts and society, particularly those that paint them as sympathetic individuals trying to survive in a world that still perceives as inferiors (i.e. CARL, Sky Doll, Circuits and Veins, etc.). Therefore, I inevitably picked up this title in a heartbeat upon gendering the description.
Characters and Themes (4.5/5) – There’s room for further development, but the first volume did flesh the lead two enough for me to empathize with their plight and see more of them. While the “humans vs. artificial intelligence” allegorical conflict is one as old as technology itself, I didn’t mind it here as the diverse supporting cast of Elle’s and Karel’s friends and acquaintances made the narrative all the more interesting.
Art (5/5) – The backgrounds featured colorfully chaotic gradients and lighting, particularly the urban scenery to evoke that sense of futuristic otherworldliness despite the more down-to-earth architecture. I also loved the soft, thin lines used for the character designs which added to the cuteness factor of the protagonists’ interactions.
Dialogue (5/5) – There was a delicate balance between witty banter and emotional earnestness presented.
Final Thoughts: Love Love Love 1 is a lovely love sci-fi tale from the depths of Europe I recommend checking out if plots about humanoid androids are your fancy.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with my first advance ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.
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